Sunday, September 13, 2009

Blogging Out of Necessity

This blog was started out of necessity.  

A bunch of friends who have been meeting at each other's house to make various handmade crafts for the past few years decided one day that their handiwork needed some public appreciation and so the idea of Home Stitch Home germinated.
This blog will hopefully serve as a platform to share their sewing adventures and also to create awareness of the uniqueness and simplicity of the handmade life.  Technology has rendered everything so impersonal, so once in awhile, it is heartwarming to create or receive something made with the hands and from the heart.

Ok, ok... that's the obligatory altruistic spiel.  The truth of the matter is that we, the bespoke bunch of friends, are planning to set up a stall at Maad on the 1st weekend of October and we need to quickly set up some presence on the web to create publicity.  And the reason why we have decided to finally sell our precious handmade products is because it will allow us to indulge in our addiction to fabric/yarn/craft books by justifying that the many purchases we made and will be making are all for business and profit.

We don't know whether any of these (the blog, the shop, the craft-making, the final products, the sales) will work out but hey, at least we will have fun in the process and our friendship will become stronger (or maybe not, if the business does really take off and money gets in the way.  Ah, but that's the cynic in me talking).

And even if no one reads this blog or buys our products, we'll chalk these up as life lessons.  We'll slink back to making crafts, where our talents are. 

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