I don't know whether you have the same experience but my sister shared that her son and daughter have opposite tastes when it comes to food. The boy loves Western food but the girl would have nothing but Chinese food. For cakes, the boy loves chocolate while the girl loves strawberries. It's always a nightmare to try to cater to both their tastes and we always end up with blackforest cakes, which come closest to satisfying both.
Fed up, my sister decided to create a cake which has both chocolate and strawberries.
No, this can't be eaten although it looks mouthwatering. I pity my sister who, like me, has a weakness for cakes. Making this cake must have driven her to steal a bite or two to satisfy her hunger pangs. If she's not careful, she will be looking like the Little Dumpling Women. So, do us a favour ok? Take this cake away from her.
My sister is a collector. When she obsesses about something, she goes to great lengths to collect every item related to it. I remember when we were sharing a bedroom, her shelves would be full of collections of various display items. At this late hour and age, I can't remember what they are but I know that my mom refused to dust her shelves. Anyway, my sister's latest craze now is OWLS.
She is so crazy about them, even to the extent of ordering owl fabric from ebay (and she doesn't even sew!). Hence, she has made these owl egg cosies. Huh? you ask. What's that? Tsk, tsk, did you not watch Martha Stewart? All these ang-mos like to cover their hard-boiled eggs to keep them warm and toasty. I think it's a great idea and maybe Killiney Kopitiam should order them in bulk. I so hate to eat cold hard-boiled eggs. My mom said that it will give you stomach wind, and we know what that means right? We don't want to go there.
But seeing this pair, I had an inspiration. Don't you think that the colours remind you of Halloween? Isn't Halloween around the corner? So, what say you, that you draw a skeleton of an owl on the hard-boiled eggs and cover them up with these egg cosies? Imagine the horror of the person who will be served these eggs? * Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, evil laughter *
Look! The owls are screaming in terror!!! My sister is so not going to appreciate this post.
wow look at the cake, it looks so real and delicious...
ReplyDeleteThanks! The cake can be customized according to yr fav colur too!
ReplyDeleteThe owls are so cute! They looked like they were scared out of their wits rather than to go round scaring people!
ReplyDeleteI never knew we can keep our hard boiled eggs warm this way!