Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our 1st Sale!!!

After weeks of buzz, with ideas generated 24/7 and fingers pricked countless times, we have come up with the prototypes of some of the items we will be putting up for sale at our stall (or not - well, that's me, I like to keep things mysterious and unpredictable).  Being novices at doing business, we showed our prototypes to our brutally honest friends and colleagues, soliciting feedback on attractiveness, practicality and pricing of our products.  See, like Ikea and car manufacturers, we road test our products.  The lengths we go to for our customers ....

Anyway, so far, feedback has been encouraging and we even sold our prototypes!  You see, due to the uniqueness of handmade products, every product will be different.  We don't have many of each product type.  What you see is what you get, and if you like what you see, you should get.  Hmmm... that sounds like a good limmerick for an advertisement.

Anyway, here's presenting the prototypes that have been sold! 

We are making some more of similar types but because the fabric was bought during a trip to Tokyo (from a shopping mall I can't remember), supply is limited.  A lot of fabric was also sacrificed in the process because only the cutest designs were chosen.  But we think the sacrifice was worth it because some little girl will look so pretty with her hair tied up with these.  

Now, you tell me, can you resist those saucer-sized eyes of innocence?  of both the girl and the animal?  


  1. Thanks, my daughter loved them! It looks great on her ponytail. Hope to see more designs.
