Sunday, September 27, 2009

Miss Valentine

What blog blast would be complete without a mention of the latest knitted dolls?  Here's a new doll which I just completed for a girl who is as sweet and as adorable (if not even more so).

For the one male reader of this blog, it's your turn to drool now.  Drip, drip.  Miss Valentine is supposed to be holding a present but after 10 hours of knitting all the lace trimmings (comprising only 4 stitches in variations) my fingers are so cramped that I can't quite hold another needle.  But I like her this way.  With her outstretched arms, you can easily give her a hug or you can "so-la-so, yi ci zou".

Miss Valentine is so full of love and compassion, she has taken in this poor abandoned baby.  You see, this baby was born deformed.  See whether you can spot what that is.

Poor thing, I think the mother was too tensed while carrying it.

Ahem, Henry the Fireman wants in on the picture.  He would have you know that he is the resident stud, and you have better not forget him.  Hmm, I think his head is growing too big for his helmut.  I should start knitting my pirate to give him a run for his money.  Wouldn't you girls like that?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hi!

    thks! i love Miss Valentine & your description of her kind of fits me, no wonder i chose her. Can't wait to hang her on my bags to adorn them as bag charm & to remind me of how painstakingly she was created by you!!

