Sunday, October 11, 2009

Charlie the Clown

Who's that?  Is it Lady Leticia (remember her?) with a new hat?

No.  Everybody, meet Charlie the Clown. Charlie is eccentric, he's carrying an umbrella on such a sunny day. I think he's British.

Charlie seems to be waiting for someone or something.  Hey, Charlie!  Either use your umbrella to shield yourself from the sun or wait somewhere else less sunny.  You don't have your clown make-up on and without proper sun protection, you can get pigmentation, freckles and worse still, skin cancer.

What the..!?!  Oi, don't be so sensitive lah.  I just care about you.  Ok, so it's my fault that the umbrella I made you can't open. 

But be a good boy, ok? Find a shadier place to wait.  Atta boy! 

See?  Isn't this better?

Woah!  Why do you have to go and slouch in that corner?  How do you expect anyone to see you?  Go find some place more prominent.

Erm, ok, ok, you win. I know you have been waiting a loooong time and you're tired.

Ok, I'm here to collect you.  Sheesh!  You can be such a clown, Charlie.

In you go, Charlie. I'll bring you for an adventure.  (cue sinister music, flash to scene in Pinnochio where the puppet was lured into travelling with a circus).

Doll courtesy of SC who knitted him in one week.  These girls are knitting machines, I tell you. 


  1. Wow! It's so cute and colourful. Yes, SC is a knitting machine and you are a sewing machine (I mean sewing up the parts lah). By the way, my mum is very impressed with my knitted Nurse Dolly and asked me to knit Mr Twizzle for her. to multi-task. Cheers!

  2. This is really cute! Its so scary to know that both SC and Bored are knitting so fast! *stress* So when are we starting our scarecrow? Belle has already started knitting her grandma!!!!

  3. Oh no!!! I have fallen in love with Charlie the Clown. He looks so handsome in this colourful outfit. I like the colour combination. Could you let me hug him for a while.. just a while only, plssssssssse.

  4. thks for granting my wish. Heard that somebody has taken Charlie the Clown already! Luckily i managed to hug him first. He looks so gorgeous. Not surprising he is so popular n taken up so fast.
