Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's Raining!

I wish.  The weather has been so swelteringly hot that a little rain would be most welcome.  Instead, what I got was a shower of ballerinas over the week.  Meet the newest addition, Bella.

Bella was created by EH, the one who gave you Dolly the Nurse last week.  Bella was made in one week (yup!).  But she couldn't make her appearance earlier because she had to undergo extensive surgery due to some deformities.  I know, she's rather young to go under the knife but we figured that if we don't correct her deformities early, she will grow up with self-esteem issues.  The other ballerinas would mock her.  This is a picture of her, before her surgery.

See how she tried to blend in with the other girl but her deformed leg just sticks out, literally?  Life can be so cruel sometimes.  Bella is actually such a friendly girl and with her kind heart, she's always ready to take the younger ones under her wings.  But next to them, she feels like an amazon, so gangly and clumsy.  Not at all like the delicate creatures ballerinas are supposed to be.

So, besides physical correction, we figured Bella should also receive some psychological  counselling.  Remember the 1st ballerina featured in this blog?  She-whose-name-remains-unknown is also not your typical ballerina.  

Next to her, Bella appears almost normal.  I apologise for the yellow tint.  The girls have requested it because they don't feel confident enough to show themselves to you in stark white light.  I told them that it's ok - I am sure that the readers of this blog are mature enough to look beyond physical attributes.  But they were adamant.  Sigh, I guess the emotional healing will take longer.  But I'm glad that my shifu's ballerina - the one that started this whole ballerina craze, was kind enough to mentor these girls.  She's always there for them, even though standing next to these skinny girls make her look fat (she should have stood at the other end of the line - basic photo-taking trick for size-challenged people to note).

Talking about ballerina craze, here's another ballerina created by JT's friend.  She's another one-week-wonder-girl.

I'm so enjoying this ballerina craze.  You see, no matter how hard everyone tries, no two ballerina would look alike.  That's the beauty of the handmade.  The creators would inject a little of themselves into their creations, er...not that I am saying that EH is deformed.  But our dolls tend to reflect a little of our physical attributes.  So, guess what my ballerina reveal about me?

P/S:  Stay tuned, two more ballerinas are on the needle (knitting-speak for in the process of being knitted).  I'm so excited to see how they will turn out. 

PP/S:  Go to and to read more about Bella's long and difficult journey.  I hope you will be moved enough to donate generously to the various charities around you which help young people like Bella live a normal life.  I have donated my surgical skills, it's time you do your part.



  1. Ohhhh its a mistake to read yr blog with my daughter around. She saw the ballerinas and now she wants me to knit MORE ballerinas so that her Valerie won't be too lonely!

  2. Haha! Shall I include 3 more new ballerinas to my list? Tip-toe Ballet School will truly be famous!
